Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On the board

Large painting from an earlier life drawing. "White Tutu" was the drawing title. 30X40 with a good ways to go but I'm liking progress thus far. Will post a final later.


Hamlin Design said...

Martin, is your easel homemade? I need to make something like that in size...

Martin Pate said...

Yes...homemade. The board is just plywood..a piece I had in art school and the base/stand is two by fours...pretty simple. I'll send you a photo of how it's made later. I've been using it since 1981.

Hamlin Design said...

I am also looking for a decent sized piece of milk glass to use for mixing paints instead of the disposable pallets. Rockwell used them and they are hard to find. Flat piece of milk white glass.