Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I've started painting over the under painting of the sky area. It started as a medium to dark warm gray...a combination of burnt umber, ultramarine blue and white. The finished sky is painted with the same colors but much more white. The lower part of the sky gets a smidge of yellow added. I'm using filbert brushes...#8 and #6 for the sky. I'm also showing the overall painting at this stage. It's nearing completion. I still have foreground decisions to make. Also, at some point, I'll hang it up in the studio and just look at it for a few weeks to see if I want to do any thing else. I just realized that you can click on the image and it will show you a larger version with better detail. Also, someone was asking about looking at my son's blog...click on his name to the right..."Taylor Pate". The "my website" link takes you to my actual website.


Hamlin Design said...

Martin, very excellent! I really like this painting!!! Nice atmosphere...

-Mike Hamlin

Martin Pate said...

Mike- Thanks for the comments!! The atmosphere was something that I really wanted to come out the way I visualized it in my mind...somehow, it came pretty close. MP