Monday, October 17, 2011

Ballerinas Gone Bad

Not really, but sort of. Erin H as the "Black Swan" tonight at drawing class....lots of fun. Erin and I came up with different pieces of the outfit and it turned out great. Something old, something new, something borrowed and something black. Erin did her own makeup...super! Great poses sealed the deal. Two 15 minute sketches shown, conte and pastel. Look for a painting soon. Most drawings posted are for sale...that includes these two. $225 each.


jamila aladdin said...

Hi Mr Pate
I love your work... your figures are masterfully drawn and have life... you are very inspiring... cause dancers are my no. 1 passion to paint
take care and keep drawing

TP said...

Those look great! I dig :)

Martin Pate said...

Thanks Jamila and TP. That was a fun costume to draw...had an attitude to it. Excellent job by the model, Erin, with the make-up as well.