Sunday, August 28, 2011


The painting, "Aftermath" was unveiled last night to a good crowd here in Newnan. The painting shows Civil War nurse, Fannie Beers(model-Laura Bradley) at Brown's Mill battlefield the afternoon of the battle. The scene is described in her journal, "Memories". It will also be the centerpiece of an upcoming one-man show of Civil War paintings and drawings that I will be having at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. The painting is 4'x6'.

Monday, August 22, 2011

There's a New Kid in Town

New model, Christina K and The Eagles...great combo. Christina was super and took some really nice poses. Several may become paintings or involved studies later. Two drawings are shown here. The second one was a 5 minute sketch. I started from the front side of this pose and after 10 minutes I realized it was going nowhere. I moved to the back side and quickly tried to get the main gist of it all. I guess it's really a gesture drawing. The first drawing shown is 15 minutes.
Conte and pastel.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sounds of Silence

We were forced to draw in another room tonight at drawing class. We were without our model stand and without our CD player. I "almost" sang for the group there but thought better of it. We drew in silence for the most part...pretty strange actually. Model, Katie T, had to sit on the floor for this pose. The keen observer will notice that the angle is a bit different than past drawings. Good class though, Katie came in a fun outfit complete with cool hat, cool sandals and wouldn't you know it, a cool vest.
15 minute conte and pastel.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


New progress on this 30x40 of Mary N and a globe. I'm liking the colors and feeling of this. Working currently on feet, hands and the soft fleece blanket she's sitting on. Still a way to go on this. I'll post a final later.